Wednesday, February 10, 2010

all in the timing

Yesterday I pouted.
You see, two years ago when we lived in our apartment and Emery was still a dream away, we had a snow day. It is one of my favorite memories of newlywed bliss. We slept in, made breakfast together and then Nolan trekked to the nearest movie store and gas station to bring back entertainment and beverages. It was a wonderful day.
Fast forward to yesterday. The evening before all anyone could talk about was the snow we were going to be getting. Everyone speculated snow days and I hoped they were all right and we could recreate those warm memories with the addition of Emmy. Everyone was partially right. It did in fact snow but not enough to keep Nolan home. Therefore, as any mature adult, I pouted. It wasn't pretty.
This morning I woke up with a horrendous sinus headache. I also woke to the realization that Nolan hadn't told me goodbye. Or at least, I didn't remember him telling me goodbye. The little bit of hope started to build and as I rose out of bed, I noticed his shoes by the door--he was home!! I was excited but also relieved because I did not know how I was going to make it through the day with this headache. Plus today was the reconvening of Lapsit at the library--I didn't want Emery to miss that.
Nolan heard me stirring so he met me in the kitchen to explain why he staying home. He had lovingly decided to help me out since he knew I wasn't going to be well today. Wanna know how he knew? He also lovingly recorded my sleep on his phone last night. Much like the pouting, it wasn't pretty. I apparently kept him up most of the night. (also, I deleted the evidence--too bad)
He was so great today; waiting on me, playing with Emery, and providing for us! He even took Em to Lapsit with all the other moms! He looked so handsome with a snowsuit-clad Em on one arm, the diaper bag and a "Real Moms"-printed bag full of library books in another and aviators on his face. What a modern dad! If I hadn't already made myself comfortable with a heat compress in my bed I might've just kissed him!
All in all, we each made it through the day and I can say now that I'm glad he didn't stay home yesterday. Perfect timing.

**As a sidenote, I'm trying to win Emery this adorable tu-tu from Holly at The Peas in Our Pod. You can check it out here. Wouldn't Em look fabulous!!


Unknown said...

i love this post. you guys make me smile! what a sweet guy!! i'm happy to hear that today was better than yesterday, and i'm happy to think about nolan carrying that "real moms" bag over his shoulder into the lapsit:). love you guys!
-ashley (i'm too lazy to change the identity of the comment!)

paint_pants said...

Awww! Feel better! Those kitterman boys are a treat aren't they?! Ian has been baking artisan breads all week. you know that if that whole winning the tutu doesn't work out you could just add it to my to-do list :) We already miss you guys.Love!!!! (ps- Ian left Eat, Pray, Love at his parents house.... sorry! I'll try to see if Sue could send it to you!)

Amanda and Nolan said...

can we come over for some of that bread?! No problem about the book; we can just get it the next time we visit. So I didn't win the tu-tu. Wanna add something to your extensive to-do list?! that'd be awesome!