Tuesday, September 11, 2007

new, new, new

Hello to all! When I said I probably wouldn't update this as much as I should, I didn't expect my absence to be this long! I have finally been inspired to write again. Nolan and I have certainly kept busy. Last Monday I stared the job at World Finance. It is interesting. I'm trying to be patient but I really don't know if it is the job for me. I'm on the phone for the majority of the day speaking with customers who don't like me because I'm demanding that they be responsible and pay their bills. That gets to be a little disheartening. Nolan's job is going much better. He recently found out that he will be working the the call center at Precision. He will miss Les in shipping but he does look forward to talking with customers and being a problem solver. He might also help with the harvest if needed.
Last night I started my first "Adult Bible Study." I did feel old but at the same time, it felt natural to be surrounded by older women. I remember wanting to be around my mom and the other ladies from church while growing up. The bible study is by Beth Moore and we will be learning about the patriarchs. Every once in a while I might be putting insights I've learned during the week. I have to be honest and say I was skeptical to join the study because lately I've rebelled against the corporate church but last night was a great lesson and I believe I will be learning a lot from the ladies in my small group. My small group has a variety of ages and women that are in different stages of life. I love that blend. We have widows, a retiree, two young mothers, an empty-nester, an older single woman, and me! Now that I think about it, I'm actually very excited to meet with these ladies once a week!
In other 'new' news...Nolan and I have two appointments to meet with some other rental property! We are ready to move on from Windemere Estates. It's been a good run but we need to move out! We're meeting tomorrow evening to look at a duplex and then Nolan will be meeting with a lady about a house on Thursday. We drove by both places tonight and even though it was dark, they seemed like two great spots. With the house, we'd have a yard and I love that! It even has a clothes line! The duplex has a lot of renovations and has more room without having a much higher price than we already are paying. I'm excited to take a look tomorrow!
Please pray for us as we make decisions about where to live and where to work! I've looked at some other job possibilities and I will be looking into that over my lunch break. I know I've only been at this present job for less than two weeks but my inner voice is telling me it's not the place. I don't think it was a waste of time because it has certainly opened my eyes to a lot of things such as the desperate situations of people around me. Also, in only a short amount of time, it has taught me that I have more confidence in my abilities than I once thought. Anyway, I would simply appreciate some prayers as I'm struggling with my current job status.
I must close and head off to bed since I'm a working girl now! Much love to you all!
*I just wanted to find a photo that made me smile and remember my awesome friends. boy, am i dramatic!


Mills Family said...

So proud....didn't know about the the rental thing so I will be praying...
One of the Adults at Bible Study!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

tim barbee

Anonymous said...

Hey friend! I hope everything is going good for you and Nol right now. I was thinking about you earlier today. Love you!