Thursday, March 4, 2010

baby love

Emery turned 20 months yesterday. That means that in only four short months we're going to be under the same roof as a two year old. Probably is not going to be that much different than she is now because she's already stubborn, loves the word "no" (although to her it's 'nope'), and has crazy mood swings that our heads spin.
But today she is being extra cute. Possibly to remind me that even when she is an official two-year-old I will still love her.
  • Nolan stayed home today because I woke up with another awesome sinus headache and Em was running a slight fever. While they looked settled into Sesame Street in the living room, I decided to go back to bed. Emery laid down with Daddy for a bit but then rolled off the couch and asked, "where, mommy?" Nolan told her I was laying down so she grabbed her bowl of cheerios (dry) promptly told her daddy she was coming to be with mommy. He asked, "why don't you stay in here with Daddy?" She looked at him, considering, "ummm, nope." Not rudely, just matter-of-factly.
  • When she joined me in bed (after turning the TV on in our room) she made her self comfortable. After a few minutes she leaned over and kissed me on the head. I felt much better of course.
  • She has an affinity for wearing obscure items on her head. She grabbed my big mesh bag and naturally threw it over her head and walked up and down the hallway. Then she gave out kisses to Nolan & I threw the bag. Yes, of course I took a picture:

      She loves to "color." Give her a crayon, a pen, a pencil, a marker, a highlighter: she's your best friend. She grabbed her notebook and a highlighter and had some fun this morning. When the highlighter was making it on her clothes and face I asked her to hand it over. She didn't like that so she started to running away into the living room. When she heard me stand up to come after her she threw the pen behind her and ran to the couch for comfort. I was laughing so hard (as was Nolan) that we couldn't get mad at her.
  • She has a water gun. I have no idea where it came from and I don't know how she learned to use it (not with water). She just knows you're supposed to point it at people she she ran between me & Nolan pointing the gun (upside down) saying, "psshh, psshh" and cracked up when we pretended to get wet.
  • I love the way she picks up on words so easily now and tries hard to use the same words we do. Today for nap time she wanted to read In the Night Kitchen, a new favorite and said, "cock-a-doo-doo book mommy". The Cock-a-doodle-doo part is only one small part of the book but she obviously is paying attention to the details and grasping concepts.
  • Every time she sees my camera she wants to watch the video we took of her last night. We taped her singing "The Wheels On the Bus." She loves watching the video and sings along like it's the first time she's hearing it.
    Okay. I know that was a lot; and it's only nap time. Who knows what's in store for the afternoon. The sun is out so I'm hopeful!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome! You are so smart, Em and mom is a good singer!