Monday, March 15, 2010

give me words to speak

I love words. This list is a few of my favorites with no pattern. Some I like because of their meaning, some for emotional attachment, and some just because they sound fun. In a recent book I read one of the characters has a word wall in his house. It's a chalkboard in the kitchen and he writes words that he either wants to look up, laugh at, or teach about. I love that idea! Words are powerful; they evoke life.
At the conference I attended Saturday I listened to the speaker's compelling story of letting her son go to the Marines. She told us about a letter she received from him, telling her how his drill sergeants are verbally breaking him down. She wrote back to him, writing words of affirmation; reassuring him of his value as her own son and more importantly, as a child of God. After his graduation he was able to talk with her freely. He told her that in his toughest moments of physical and mental testing, the words she spoke over him and poured into his childhood gave him the strenght to carry on.
This story made me think of words spoken to me. Some have shaped my life, for the good and bad. Spoken words encourage me in my daily struggles. Luckily I have a dear friend who speaks words of affirmation to me at least on a weekly basis and I am renewed by them.
I am challenged to think of the words I am pouring over Emery. Words create memories and each day I interact with her, with songs, loving words, and even some shouting words, I am creating memories. As she grows into a young woman, she will hear a lot of other words from the world. Will I have spoken enough affirming words that will drown out the Deceiver's? Are my words the same as God's? I most certainly hope so.
Thankfully we have a terrific guide of written words that brings forth life and renews the spirit.


ashleyried said...

i love the idea of having a chalkboard in the kitchen to write down words... just might have to do that.

also, i really like this post a lot. it's true- words create... and we don't even think about our words all the time. the words we speak to our spouse, our child, our friends, our coworkers, etc. are often misplaced and empty. i like that you really brought out the idea of speaking enough words to drown out the lies of the great Deceiver.

a word i've been thinking about, and i think applies to this post: intentional. perhaps as we consider the mark our words make on the world, we should consider the intentionality of our words. are we intentional about how we use our words and when we speak our words?

thanks for a great post! love you!

Amanda and Nolan said...

no joke; intentional was on my list when I wrote this out before and I must not have copied it! it's a great word! glad you liked the post! love you! hope that nyquil helped!

The McKnights said...

thanks amanda for posting this. words are some of my favorite things, yet they are powerful, more powerful than i often realize. they are constantly on my mind...which can be a good or bad thing. i am not always quick to share the words that inspire and encourage, but quick to share the words that are immediate and sometimes harsh. and as a mother, the words that pour from my mouth are of utter importance to my calling. i pray those words would be gentle, full of truth, inspiring, guiding, loving, and fun. i'm gonna pray that for you too!