Wednesday, December 1, 2010

we can start!

basket of Christmas books. You never know when a story can come in handy!
Several years ago, I bought a set of marble people representing different nations around the world. My grandma passed away in October and while the family was picking favorite items, Nolan spotted these and thought they'd go with our other set. Every time I walk in the kitchen I get to have a little reminder of Grandma!

our first advent calendar. Nothing fancy but full of fun activities for us!

our tree! If you'll notice at the bottom of the tree, we let Emery put on her own ornaments this year. My OC tendencies want me to rearrange them for her but I'm fighting the urge. So far, I'm winning.

December is here! I have been anticipating this day to begin our December Daily and our advent calendar. Over the past few weeks my brain has been filling with ideas to celebrate Christmas each day in December and I'm excited that we get to start! Some of the activities in the advent calendar I'm looking forward to are:
  • making and decorating Christmas cookies for our friends/neighbors
  • a surprise that's in store for the grandparents
  • Christmas music dance party in the living room
  • the kid's program at Church. I can't wait to see Emery and her playmates sing! (or possibly cry on stage)
  • going on a tour of Christmas lights around town

I am excited to watch the season play out from Emery's perspective. So far, since Sunday it's been her honored duty to turn on the Christmas lights. She hasn't forgotten a morning yet! Also, it seems like she's surprised every morning that the tree is up. She walks from her room to the living room and says, "ohp! look, Mommy!".

Now I want you to tell me what you're looking forward to the most! Do it--I love reading your comments!

1 comment:

The McKnights said...

making peppernuts. cutting snowflakes out & hanging them from the fan (pax likes to pretend that it's like a blizzard!). and this year we are going to learn Away in a Manger and go caroling to our neighbors (i've always wanted to do that as an adult with my kids!)