Sunday, November 15, 2009

Simple Sunday

Just wanted to share a few things on my mind that I'm happy about...
1. Em is getting really good at eating with a spoon! It's fun to watch even though today at lunch her spoonful was made up of ketchup. That was it and that grosses me out. But on the good side, she is using the spoon on her own and saying "ketchup" so I'm going to call it a win.
2. My wonderful hubs is doing a mountain of dishes right now. Love that guy.
3. laundry is in the washer. I love that we have a washer/dryer and I love doing laundry in general because it's so orderly.
4. Mark gave a great sermon this morning about giving our best. That was after I had morning meltdowns about my wardrobe and lack of sleep. Thanks, Mark for whipping me into shape.
5. Em is asleep right now without fighting me!
6. Derek & Ashley are going to be at our house for a few days starting this evening! Can't wait to see them!
7. Next week starts the holiday season for us and I am super excited to spend time with our families. Some of my uncles from down south will be meeting Nolan and Emery for the first time and I will be meeting my cousin's wife for the first time as well. I love family! (and delicious food) 8. life is good

What are you happy about today?

this is what happens when you say, "Emery, can you blink your eyes?"

We were playing with her magnetic ABCs and she decided she wanted to read about them too.

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