Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009: A Recap

This year I kept a calendar on our refrigerator which may have been one of the best decisions of the year. It started out as a simple meal-planning calendar but I ended up using it to record all our goings-on for the year. I am so glad to have this now since it's hard to think back on a whole year and remember what we've done! Plus, it's handy to refer back to when I'm feeling uninspired for dinner yet again. I also enjoy looking back to see dinners crossed off with 'Date Night!' because that means we were able to have a last-minute date (yes!). It also means we have awesome friends and family who watch Emery to make those dates possible (thanks, guys!)
Here are a few highlights from 2009:
Trips: 1 trip to Nashville; 1 trip to Gatlinburg (we were big fans of Tennessee this year!)
Meals at home: 210! The other 155 were either eating out (probably at Don Pants) or at family/friend's places!
Books read: 63
Jeopardy total: positive $9400! yes!
Movies watched: turns out, I didn't keep track but we've watched a whole lot. We love movies!
Diapers changed: also, didn't keep track because that would be depressing!
Personal Highlights:
Emery: walking and climbing. try to stop her now!
Amanda: personal growth. I've learned a lot about who I am and who I want to be. I'm looking forward to how this is going to work out in my daily life from here out.
Nolan: "having our little girl love me." He said there's nothing better than when he comes home from work and she runs to hug his legs and yells, "Dada!". (Seriously, those were his words!)

In 2009 we witnessed four couples begin new lives together; celebrated several sweet babies entering the world, and sadly said goodbye to a wonderful, caring woman. Each year brings some sad and a lot of good. I am excited to see what 2010 will bring. That's my favorite part of starting a new year: fresh potential!

What was your year like? What are you looking forward to most in the coming year?

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