Thursday, December 10, 2009

thursday treat

A trip to Aldi in 15 degree weather to get 1 tsp. of vanilla extract and 2 cups of flour. That's all I was missing. I mean, of course I bought the whole bottle and bag but I was barely short of materials. Plus, I had to drag my adorable toddler in all her snow-gear glory. She kicked off her boots and gloves countless amounts of times. On top of that, when I got to the checkout I realized my debit card was in the diaper bag. In the car. I had to step out of line (after someone was nice enough to let me pass since I only had 3 items and they had a cart-full); grab Em and run out to the car (15 degrees, remember) and then back into the store. All so I grant Nolan's request for chocolate chip cookies. He's worth it though!
Plus, Emery and I had a mommy-daughter bonding moment while making the cookies! I can't wait to actually bake things with her and she's a help rather than an added distraction. She's so adorable that I don't mind it. I mentally prepared for a kitchen disaster but she was actually pretty calm and clean--I was so proud! She poured in the vanilla, the sugar and ate some of the chocolate chips--trying to keep the cookie-to-chip ratio in order. In the midst of baking I was able to capture a few moments. Enjoy the photos while we enjoy our cookies!
Mommy's little helper
"i'm just counting them, Mom"
I don't even pose her this way! It's her natural reaction to 'no'. Love it!
Mom caved!

1 comment:

The McKnights said...

i just can't help but smile EVERY TIME i see your cute little em's face. she looks like a bundle of fun...even in the 15 degree weather! :) your a great wife and mommy!