Wednesday, September 16, 2009

just what i need

Hey all! So I have to be honest, I've grown a deep respect for single parents. The thing that has saved my sanity is knowing Nolan will be home Friday. I cannot imagine my outlook on life if I did not have this knowledge and comfort. I have some wonderful friends and family that have made this week bearable. There are two more days left but I wanted to share how I've already been blessed.
The friend who took Emery for a few hours so I could sleep off a terrible migraine. I love her for doing that--I didn't even have to ask her!
The friend who carried Em's diaper bag and protected her on our walk while his wife and I chatted away. He also pushed Em in her stroller so we could continue to gab. I love him for it.
The friend who treats Em as her own. She doesn't ask whether Em needs a diaper change; she just assumes and takes charge. She also showers Em with hugs, kisses, and praises. I love her for all these moments.
The mom who wakes up when her girls are home so she can talk and interact with them even though she's exhausted. If you know her daughters you know that's not an easy feat and I love her for that.
The aunt who treated me to a delicious taco salad and conversation. I love her for that.
The other aunt and uncle who came up for a night of games (you're welcome for the new addiction).
The sister who stayed up much too late with me sharing part of her life, listening to mine and sharing a lot of laughs. Like a whole lot of laughs. Love her for that.
The dad who was willing to watch his granddaughter (tough break) so her mom could go see a movie. Love you, Dad.
Thank you all for making my week a lot of fun! I'm very grateful! Love you all! (Nolan get home quick!)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I feel like you should sing the song, "How sweet it is to be loved by you"!!! You are really loved...can't wait for Nolan to get home to be with you and Em!! Yah!!!