Saturday, September 12, 2009

nice little Saturday

It's the weekend! I love the weekends! Weekends = family time! Some of my favorite memories of when Em was first born are from Saturday mornings. I would hear her babble over the monitor in our room; get up (not always cheerfully); go to Em's room and rescue her. Then we'd come back to bed with Daddy and wake him up. She's the best in the mornings--so cheerful and happy to see us after a long 8 hour separation. I love those times together.
However, this Saturday is different. Nolan is in Nebraska until next Friday (I will accept all sympathy!) working at the Husker Harvest Days with his company. When I told my mom that Nol would be gone she immediately said, "oh so you and Em are coming to spend a week with us?!" I hate to disappoint my mom but I wanted to prove to myself that I could stay at my own house with our daughter and be fine. I know I need Nolan but I told myself I could handle it without him for a week. Turns out, I can but I'm a pansy! Thursday night was not so fun without looking forward to Nolan around 5:30. Fortunately the good Lord knows me better than I know myself--he knows I need people! Thursday night my dear friends the Bacus' had Em & I over for a walk to the park and a delicious dinner (thanks, guys!) And as if that weren't enough, "it just so happened" that my good friend Beth's husband also left her for the weekend! What a coincidence! Thankfully Beth is also a pansy and wanted to stay with me! We rented movies and then stayed up far too late talking! Just like teenagers! She's even staying tonight too! It's such a blessing to have a friend like Beth. You should all get one!
Saturdays also mean errands day. Luckily, Beth is free for the day as well so we'll be running around town together (Emery in tow, of course!). I have a book to pick up at the library--I love discovering new books and so I'm getting The Book Thief. I thought it sounded like a fun mystery but it turns out, it's about the Holocaust. I'll let you know how that goes.
As I run errands, I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday as well. It's beautiful here in Lincoln and I hope you enjoy the day wherever you are! Much love!

p.s. Birthday shout-outs: Happy Birthday Natalie & Linda!

1 comment:

ForTheLove17 said...

Aww, thanks for the shout out, KitKat! :P
Your Saturday sounds so perfect. I'm glad you had a good one. :)