Tuesday, September 1, 2009

with great anticipation

I love fall. When I say that, I mean I LOVE fall! It's my favorite season. I love watching the leaves change, I love the crispness in the air, I love pumpkin patches, apple orchards and bonfires. I don't remember anticipating a season more than I am right now. I think it's because I've got plans to take Em to see pumpkins, collect colorful leaves, and I'm planning a pumpkin-decorating contest with my friends (thanks Family Circle for the ideas). I can't wait to share my excitement with Emery--I know I should've been better about taking her outside this summer but I wasn't. That may have been for two reasons: first being, all my Parents magazines scared me to death that Em would get skin cancer if I didn't lather her in a gallon of sunscreen. The other reason is a selfish one. I hate being hot and sweaty. Loathe it; and I don't say that lightly. Now the weather is absolutely beautiful, crisp with blue skies. What's your favorite part of this season?
With all this anticipation in the air, it is hard for me to be content right now. I'm ready to get to that pumpkin patch and wear my fave combo: jeans w/ a sweatshirt. However, as my dear Henri Nouwen reminds me, I have to live in the here & now. So in our here and now, I made chocolate-chip cookies again today. It's my 3rd time in 2 weeks which is just about unheard of. I'm basically a chocolate-chip making fiend. Nolan and our resident
cookie monster (she even growls!) couldn't be more excited!
Tonight when Nolan got home I was trying to keep the cookies from burning, brown hamburger to make BBQ sandwiches and keep Em out of the oven! After he got home and we got things settled down, we had a great little family dinner. I realized how much I really like our little group of three. Even though I like my even numbers, this threesome seems balanced and right. I hope we both enjoy this time together before we add any more (not in the plans soon so don't get excited). I have to say that while I was thinking these great things, Nolan was taking a piece of BBQ out of Emery's nose. So much for me romanticizing our fam-haha. She was a little imp at dinner tonight actually. She only wanted to eat french fries so I tried to be sneaky and scoop the BBQ with the fry. Then she pulled the stunt with the BBQ in the nose and when I turned another time she stuck her BBQ'ed hand into her hair.
We thought we'd stick some of the pics from tonight! Enjoy and hope you all enjoyed the first of September!


ashleyried said...

yea!! back to blogging! perhaps you'll inspire us too! when you were talking about fall i was getting really sad, as i remembered taking walks with you and em last fall. remember how wonderful that was?

i got really jealous too, since we're back in florida and we sure won't be seeing crisp, cool weather anytime soon! but, alas, then i remembered that we'll be up in november. granted it will be after all the wonderful leaf-changing, but still- jeans and hoodie days are coming!

thanks for posting again. we really love getting to live a little piece of your lives with you guys. you're a great writer- so keep writing!

grace and peace!

Shannon said...

great blog!! You know Fall is my favorite season too...and since you asked my favorite thing about Fall is all the change...how boring would life be if everything stayed the same all the time? I love how the leaves change and fall, how our wardrobes change and our closets lose their familiar clothes, I love enjoying hot drinks again and drinking two or three times more coffee than I can tolerate in the summer, and Fall always seems to inspire me to write...I journal more in the fall - what an all around good season. Thanks for helping me to anticipate! Can't wait for the pumpkin decorating - looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.

Constantly living as if everyday were the last to share THE friend with the one friend, Shan

Shannon said...

p.s. you inspired me to write!